"Failure has a thousand excuses, while success needs no explanation" - and Meghan has a thousand excuses. She shows a true lack of personal strength and integrity.
Meghan's personal achievements so far in life are no different from the rest of us, she went to school, college and worked - big deal!!. She had a lucky break in TV because of her father which was inevitably short lived.
The one difference in her life, is bumping into Prince Harry. This is when her true nature, her true colours start to show, the manipulation, the excuses, and the gross misunderstandings, but most of all the gross ingratitude. A girl out of her depth, who had risen to the level of her own incompetence.
After failing to achieve her preconceived agenda and need for adoration (the Brits can spot a fake a mile off), she sort her only chance of success (in her eyes) by returning to her own country, where she felt she could manipulate the people there, unlike the British.
When you read this book, don't just read the words you see, read the lines you don't see and before long, the manipulation, the play on words, the uneasy twist of events and even the untruths become evident. She is immensely ungrateful and undignified in her approach towards a family and country who have since left her well and truly behind them - a mistake she will live to regret.
The book is about the excuses of a woman who is desperate to be taken seriously but who has basically nothing more to offer than the average man in the street.
Poor and boring reading I'm afraid.