Absolutely terrible movie, half the stuff feels like it's pulled straight from the hat, I know slenderman is a made up thing, but personally I think the movie doesn't do Slenderman justice at all, the acting was good, don't get me wrong, but the plot and the movie was trash, it's one of those films you'd watch once then never see again. Ending was questionable but it takes about 50 minutes to get slightly good. Not very scary and very predictable. Also nothing to do with collecting 8 pages? As if it's not the most important thing you'd link slenderman to, the pages are in the film but aren't collected by the character. In the games this is how you'd win. Without the pages being collected and ultimately stopping slenderman then it just leaves a dude in a suit with no face who, once you summon, you're just dead - like what? It's the same same as batman with no criminals to stop. Like what's the point in summon slenderman if your just gonna die? Turning into a tree at the end is crazy like where is that from? Also being able to summon him by watching a video online, like dude just alt f4 this film