Does Kathleen Kennedy have to rip apart every good adventure film? The classic heroes never have "Happy ever After ", the story is a poor second to her political and socially "Correct" agenda. I understand great films are supposed to ignite change but guess what, sometimes you want to just enjoy a movie about larger than life heroes, not be beaten over the head with the Gay propaganda stick. Swapping out female for male characters, then making what few remaining males into jokes seems to be Ms. Kennedy's go to move. Likely she's working through her feelings for all those years she was a secretary for George Lucas, but I don't think my recreation movie budget should be financing her therapy. I think it is interesting that in this age of cancel culture, that Ms. Kennedy still has a job. Likely it is that she is such an advocate for Alternative lifestyle and as such any harsh circumstances is seen as anti-gay and therefore protect out of fear of being labeled "Homophobia".