This book is truly amazing. It was a fresh feel from the ending of the second book. I love the detail Tomi gives when describing New Gaia. I love how she unifies the two nations and I just love how tzains character transforms.I do feel that like the second book, it was dragged out and there was too many “edging” parts where they battle and stop and have to go back to the drawing board. I do not like how weak Zelle was portrayed in this book, it seems that the whole time she was wounded and scared and hopeless at any attempt to save her people and New Gaia. The way that she continuously just walked herself into danger made me so frustrated. I do not like that Amari suddenly is in love with a woman, I just loved her and tzain together and hoped for a happy ending. I lost it when randomly Inan has to die for Zelie to live, she has all this power yet a man needed to save her? I don’t understand why he was the only one of the main characters to die and he died so abruptly with no climax. I do not feel it was AT ALL needed. The book also ended too fast. There was no after care, almost too rushed for it to be the ending of a series. I could overall tell that this was Tomis debut book series and that she is a (newer) author. Its a great read however for black culture and gave me a sense of pride for my African roots. The connections to real life events and how they overcame them was amazing. I loved how she rewrote history and gave our ancestors a happier ending.