This game has departed from what made it great. A realistic gritty experience free from all of the ridiculous jumping and flopping around that has plagued other first person shooters. You could not simply hop your way through a firefight you needed to put accurate effective fires on a target to get kills and it also wouldn't take you half of a magazine to do it either. Battlefield was known for setting itself apart with real destruction, real strategy, realistic damage models,and well just feeling real. Not Battlefield 5...All of the weapons have seen a reduced damage ration IMO. I cant believe that I can shoot a guy with a sniper rifle only for him to receive 40 and sometimes less % damage. The healing in the game is entirely to quick especially for medics. Tank rounds require direct hits in order to kill someone which come on lets be real, hit markers for a near direct hit is asinine. The most laughable thing however is for anyone who has ever tried to use AAA (Anti-aircraft Artillery) in this game. I have had fighter planes dive attack me in a AAA gun, which is a dream for anyone who knows anything about he is presenting himself head on to explosive 23mm rounds...In any realm this would spell death for any pilot dumb enough to attempt this..Not in Battlefield 5 even when you set up on them predive they are able to close the distance and blam shoot or bomb you with ease and off they fly to some how and simultaneously repair their aircraft while flying. That is something I expect from call of duty not battlefield. It is on the right track and if they would revamp most of the ways damage is doled out in this game we may see a half way decent Battlefield. Until then I would say wait it out.... Punish EA for putting profits over consumers once again and make them deliver to earn your money.