Coming from a military brat who lived and went to school in the Pearl Harbor district where the Navy and Airforce were strongly represented this touched a personal point for me. The opening scenes were of the bombing of Pearl Harbor and Joint Base Hickam Airforce Base as they still stand icons strong for the Pacific Armed Forces. The names: Nimitz and Halsey have new meaning to me.
The movie runs you thru our war history, main players from both Japan and the United States and sequences that occur up to the Battle of Midway following the bombing of Pearl Harbor and the Battle of the Coral Sea. Acting is on point with scenery/props, costumes to match the era. Special effects were excellent (you will duck in your seat from flying incoming projectiles and lean with the planes when they veer out)
This movie will make you appreciate every single soldier when you see how they risk their lives to keep us safe. The team work it takes to run battleships and the service units for carrier aircrafts are definitely no joke. I know my generation of school friends that also grew up within the Pearl Harbor area with military parents and friends will find this movie close to home.