Wasn't a fan at all until I started to rewatch all the movies and never realized how good they were. I'm sure some people get that rush of focusing on something they've just seen, and invest quite a bit. Like a big obsession with lil bit of time of knowing. This is my first Jurassic game ever played, and I was thinking it wasn't going to be as fun as the other games I play, but this one was different. There's so much you can do, can't figure out where to put what. Things I wish what we got is some cinematic dialogs when characters were talking, probably some more buildings even though they already have enough in the game, interact with staff and dinosaurs First person, much bigger space for building. I have more ideas that would be great for this game and I'm sure others do too. Also, do the campaign first! But other than that, developers, keep doing a great job!!!