Nov 17, 23: Just notified this review was "taken down" as SPAM. Has google lost their mind? Automated editing and take-downs really not great for expression. ---- Great show. Lots of irony and unexpected turns. Many things seem very true to life (not the violent karate tournaments for teens - but we knew that since 1984 - adding later: Maybe I am wrong as it seems maybe there are full contact tourneys like that). I love the demonstration of how Daniel in the original movie was the instigator which always made me not really like his character even though I really like the movie. I had never thought of Jonny Lawrence as being sympathetic but but did understand that he was not the instigator. Just watched a video from 2015 with story headline "The Karate Kid video argues Daniel LaRusso is the movie's villain". That video makes it even more clear that, despite appearing to be a bit of a jerk, Johnny was not in anyway acting violent when appearing at the beach and it was Daniel who made the incident violent. Anyway, the tv series works really well to show Johnny's memories and paradigm while absolutely still showing him to have many weaknesses. Daniel seems a bit more mature at around 50 but still immature and seemingly not able to understand people too well - so far (middle of season 2). Love so many original actors back 30+ years later. All of the characters seem like real possible future selves from the movie with an exception maybe being how Daniel would come to own such a nice car dealership but, I suppose, inherited wealth from Mr. Miyagi could have got him there. More irony - that he inherited wealth and Johnny, whom, he thought was wealthy actually was not and does not have family support.