Whether intentionally or not the game is trying to hard to catch up to modern shifts in society. I would applaud that had it been done well. I feel the divisiveness was probably intentional and with good reason. It drew attention away from plot holes and complete character 180°s.
Why was Ellie a more mature/well rounded person 5 years ago? When did the ever distrustful Joel suddenly become loose lipped around strangers? Why did you kill a character I loved with such nonchalance? There is a line between drama to further a plot and drama for the sake of it. This didn't feel like a last of us game, that was not my Joel or ellie, it wasn't fun.
The game felt like a cheap psychological test to see how long someone can go before breaking. To disrespect/disregard the lore and characteristics of EVERY character from tlou1 is unbelievable.
After the untimely and poorly executed (pun intended) execution of Joel you want me to play as his killer?
There is already lots of hot button words being thrown about and I don't want to get into that. I'm reviewing the game/story/writing/execution. As a generic shooter I'd give it a 6 out of 10. As a last of us game a 4, graphics were good but not a lot else, also it ruined tlou1 for me. In falling for their own hype ND have released a sub par product. Will I be called all sorts of things for this review? Probably, but if objectivity can't get through to people what's the point??