READ the BOOKS! I started this book series in the mid 90's and have waited (not so patiently) for 5 to 6 years between each of the novels. I have reread them numerous times. All 8 of them, (Not 10) true fans of Ms. Gabaldon's work understand the pain of the wait. I find it upsetting that people can think the Series is "fantastic" or Wonderful or so true to the books. NO, it is not; Sam Heughen is perfect as the character Jamie. That is where the similarities end. Now I know books to television will always disappoint some viewers. I expect that. because they can't possibly recreate the whole book. However Stop making up stuff, there is so much excellent writing in this story they should have more than ample material to produce the show without inventing stuff that didn't happen. Murtagh is dead, died at Culloden. I love Duncan Lacroix and I think he is beautiful to look at, He should not be boffing Jocasta. Murtagh is dead. Fergus wore a hook, and he would never attend the children! Marsali is not Claire's assistant. What about Malva? Why are Roger and Brianna so short? Lizzie, tiny and shy, not the looming actress they have playing her. Lovely set they built for this season, but that house is not even possible in the 18th century. Where will the white pig live? The Bugs, Arch and Murdina? The autopsy scene did not take place yet, nor did it happen on the Ridge, it was on a slave woman, Betty, at River Run. Duncan Innes has been mentioned finally, he's a poor former prisoner with one arm, a cleft Lip and a big bushy mustache, I can hardly stand waiting to see how they portray him...Lacey Jabot's? Velvet suits? Silver shoe buckles? Boisterous and outspoken??? Cait is beautiful, a wonderful actress, she is not Claire! Claire has brown bushy hair, she has hips and golden eyes.She is 5' 9" and much shorter than Brianna, Where would she find all of those glass covers for her penicillin experiments,Which by the way would defeat the purpose of the experiment. Plus she didn't start that experiment until Jamie got bit by the rattlesnake, Young Ian, not even close, Rollo is portrayed fairly accurately. Tobias Menzies was great as Frank/Black Jack, but again too much stuff made up in that story line. Do yourself a favor and read the books, if you have read the books, read them again.
The producers of this series could have a show that last years and years, as they are going it will be over before the last book comes out.