Jewish Matchmaking is very interesting to watch after Indian Matchmaking as there are certain things that are strikingly different while being superficially so similar. First the 2 matchmakers: Aleeza from Jewish M is definitely very cued in to the spectrum of people she meets and v smart but Sima is still stuck to her middle class morality, stereotypes & prejudices which makes the show cringeworthy. Some cultural practices in Jewish M are interesting...for instance, why do they kiss the door frame while entering a jewish house? ( some explanation would be good) In Indian M, it's all about having a good cup of chai which is such a clichéd Indian thing to harp on. What about all the coffee drinkers in South India?? :):)
The older couples married for 3 decades and more are the same in both Jewish M and Indian M : uncomplicated and in each others' pockets. How wonderful that sounds.
Matchmaking in China would be next on Netflix's list, I think. Lol