I was initially not very interested in watching a show with a serial killer as the lead character. But I was hooked within minutes of watching the very first episode. Dexter is not a very likable and personable person. He’s very aloof and distant. But you cannot help but root for him as the bad guys are so evil that you kind of look forward to his next victim feeling the wrath of Dexter. There were certainly characters in the show I didn’t care for; but overall I liked how each actor was intertwined within the stories away from Dexter’s “hobby”. I enjoyed the episodes with Julia Styles and John Lithgow was spectacular in his role. I couldn’t agree more about the series finale. It was if they flipped a coin to decide how to end the show. C’mon-seriously Dexter walked away from his son? You don’t or do want to be with Hannah is one thing. But your son?
Really poor ending for such a well written fast paced show! I’m currently going through Dexter withdrawal now. Guess I’ll have to watch it all over again! Excellent show! Worth checking it out!