Honestly I don't know where to start, I understand the message they were trying to get across but they had potential to do so much better than they did with this storyline. The movies intro is so slow and long you almost don't even make it to the actual plot, and by the time you get to the actual story of this movie by then you don't care what happens to the main characters since they just spent the last several minutes bickering and have no character development or back story other than being a couple. The wife is mean and bitchy, I hate to say that I actually don't feel sorry for her much during this movie. Her comments about how people who live in the country are all the same, to other side remarks made doesn't make her a favorable lead. If you are looking for a movie that is exactly as described, nothing more nothing less no big twists or plot points you found one for sure. If this movie had any redeeming qualities it would be showing what life is like for animals on the farm in the places where they are used and disposable tools for production. So while it does raise awareness of what humans might experience in the same situations, it really isn't worth the watch.