This show is a unique one. It is not up to Farscape standards but after you have seen farscape what else can do it for you? Well this show will work. It not only has a very deep and dark theme, it is a quite sad one at that when you really think about it. I give a 5 stars for the creativity and the different ideas the show offered. the main characters were something you slowly grew attatched to. Sometimes you wanted them to die and sometimes to live, Stanley Tweetle being one of them i hated him and still do but he is a classic character. The whole setting of the show is something to see as it is filled with i feel original ideas and themes something in these days are lacking. if you want to see a show that will give a very dark alternative to what if the universe was so dark and lonely filled with crazies then this is the show. luckily it ends nicely but still with pretty empty future of unknown darkness with a glimpse of light.