Okay This film gets too much hate, and it’s just bogus to see So Many Idiots complaining about a fun film for the entire family,
So I Watched this weeks ago, And I was a big fan of the Ice Age series, I’m mostly a defender of the sequels and I loved Ice Age Collins course depaite that film getting nit picked on :( But when I saw this film At the trailer first, I was a little bit skeptical.. however I saw the film myself snd yeah the critics and rapid haters are just being nit picky and complaining about small things, I loved this film and don’t listen to the haters ^^ Ik the animation might nit seem as great as the original pre Disney films and some of the characters did not appear, maybe Peaches moved away and Shira is pregnant.. but despite that, this film was a fun spinoff and a perfect installment in the franchise, ^^ don’t listen tot her haters and just watch it for yourself ^w^