Ever since the new leadership took over CNN the network has really diminished in quality of news broadcasting. They have turned the morning show into a wimpy show without any depth or substance. The firing of Don Lemon was uncalled for and they lost an amazing news person ! I totally support woman and am a strong woman’s rights person , and what he said in no way crossed any line. He had a quality nighttime show which many of us loved and he did an amazing job. Also this new leadership has turned the nighttime hour with Allison into a quick USA news show,, short quick takes on newsworthy items and only giving you a quick take on the topic. It’s a waste of time and totally insulting to those of us who want quality news , the kind that CNN was always known to give. Chris Licht’s is destroying the quality station that CNN was always known for. I for one will be watching MSNBC from now on,, CNN is a water downed news show full of fluff now. The two women on the morning show are in their own right good news people but together they are terrible !! Chris your decisions this year have destroyed the network !!