I love your show and I give monthly. But I am so tired of people talking about racism. This just keeps children growing up to think white children and people are terrible. Slavery was done a long time ago and no one now had anything to do with it. Slavery wasn't done because of white people, but because they were sold by African tribes to white people. White people were also sold because their families couldn't feed them or take care of them. When the depression hit, whites were starving also and went through terrible condition. All races need to watch children play on playgrounds, the children don't care what race they are playing with. This is how God wants us to be. Not, blaming a certain race for others problems, God said to forgive and you will be forgiven. Blacks have also been hateful to white people. He doesn't say to hold hatred towards others. Love one another and we should go forward, not keep going back. Don't comment that I am racist, because I am not, I have all races in my family and I love all of them. God made us in his image and we are all brothers and sisters, so love one another.