I just finished the book. As others have said, Ms. Cheney is a real patriot who sacrificed her political career because of a higher calling to honor, truth, and principles that I had hoped would be the bedrock to a huge majority of Americans. As to the later point, I am not sure anymore. Much of what is in the book we have all known for more than a year. Yet Trump is on a march for a sure nomination, and, I fear, the probable winner of the election. Ms. Cheney blames Trump and his loyalists for the millions who believe in the election lies, and all the other nonsense Trump espouses as an alleged "victim" in any attempt to hold him to account. I don't agree -- those who believe those things ignore the compelling truth that Trump is totally unfit for any office of trust and honor. They are therefore culpable in believing what he spins, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, and cannot be excused I was a life-long Republican until it became a cult party, and where so many Republicans shamelessly refused to call out his lies and bad behavior for fear of retaliation (not having the courage or integrity of Ms. Cheney). We will see if Americans display their common sense in refusing to elect this man over almost anyone who he would run against, even a Joe Biden with all of his faults. If not, I worry for the continuation of the principles of this County for which my father's generation fought and sacrificed, many paying the ultimate sacrifice (as to which Trump claims that they are therefore just "losers").
My basic fear is that Ms. Cheney's fact-based account will only be read by those who already accept her conclusions, and will not affect or influence the echo chambers within which Trump's supporters maintain their views. What makes me most incensed after reading the book, however, is that whatever our beliefs, none of us -- including fervent MAGA supporters of Trump -- should accept or condone the harassment and threats of personal violence against the public servants, military leaders, election workers, judges and law clerks, executive or Congressional staffers who have the courage to tell the truth, when their views collide with Trump's self justifying narrative. That harassment and those threats violate common decency that we should owe to one another, despite disagreement.