There are certain things that make shows such as The Wire, TWD, SoA & The shield thats great.
They have a good story, great dialogue, a decent sense of cohesion among the cast, a great flow/direction and a little bit of depth and realism.
In the case of the Night Agent, it lacked every component you can think of.
Starting with the actors, Im not going to say acting is a easy job but nothing felt raw or organic. The actors executed every scene with the same amount of intensity. Every scene felt the same. Its all felt as if the actors where just going with the flow. There was little to no depth. Next there was no real connection with the actors. The lines were basic and lacked at lot of depth. Nothing at all was quotable. The one good actor I could think of that felt natural was the male hitman. The actors just were natural enough. The story and plot was horrible. I mean there had to be a million plot twist. Everyone five seconds someone new is betraying the main character or we see a new flash back which really makes no sense. Nothing is exposed about what is truly going on. There was no flow or set direction of this shot. It started slow, stayed slow and then rushed everything in the last minute. Then nothing was realistic. I understand its a thriller type show but come on. Too many shows try to be way to unrealistic and this one nailed it. In what world do we see twi people with little to none training take down CEO level politicians.
This is definitely one of those too bad to not watch shows which get ridiculous with every passing moment. This show is definitely no Wire or Game of thrones but this show doesn’t even touch the heels of shows like Burn Notice or CSI Miami.