I play Enlisted on my PC when I don't have my Xbox. It's free, decently fun, and I like the fact that they use real outfits, weapons, and divisions that correspond to that battles time period. The graphics are fine, combat is alright but gets boring after awhile depending on the map.
Many complain about it being "Pay to Win" and I do not completely agree with that. First, is yes its a free game so you know what your in for with a battlepass that takes forever to complete unless you have xp boosts, which they give for free if you log in everyday. As for the premium squads, they are good yes on paper, but my Italian tank squad that I bought is honestly worse than what I got for free. The Italian assault squad I bought is terrible even though it has a really good gun, as they die so quick to the free weapons you get when you start the game. Also they are really expensive to buy premium squads which means you wont see the later tier premium ones that go for 40$ at all ino.
In conclusion if you enjoy shooting authentic weapons and a hardcore type of FPS this is for you. Try it and if you like it they buy what you want because the free squads are just as powerful as the premium ones. Its free and decently fun but does need to improve the gameplay loop as it can get really boring if you play for more than a few hours at a time.