Genuinely disappointed in this show. Was excited about the premise of the show and the setting to only be left in confusion and anger. The acting is not good, the overall story seems as if the creators didn’t know where they were going aswell as no understanding as to what Star Wars even is. The writing was often cringey and made little to no sense as well as the characters being so incredibly stupid there were times I felt the need to shut off the show. The ending is horrible and sets it up for a 2nd season that will never come. truthfully one of the worst shows I’ve ever endured. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news however it has become abundantly clear that Disney could careless about Star Wars and would prefer to release cheap garbage as they know they will make a killing regardless. Anyone who says they enjoyed this show is lying it has less substance than the Kardashians. The best comparison I have for this dumpster fire of a show would be the movie madame web.