The hypothesis that an extraterrestrial impact caused apocalyptic changes on earth is beginning to be widely accepted by scientists after initially being debunked. It’s scary to think that the Taurid belt maximum was the cause because the earth’s next passage through the thickest part of that field is in 2032. What could we do to prepare for it, and who would want to survive such an apocalypse? Not I. At least we could stop worrying about human-caused global warming; eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we die!
The theory that the megalithic monuments around the world are a warning is intriguing. The question as to where the engineering knowledge to build these sites has long remained unanswered. At the least, Graham’s work is a plausible piece of investigative journalism. If humans went to all that trouble to warn future humans, then that says something very positive about our species.
There is no doubt that all of these monuments are astronomically oriented, as are the spiritual practices of indigenous peoples. I have wondered why. The show is intriguing, plausible, and disturbing.