I used to like watching gb news, for sometime it has gone downhill fast.
Maybe you should read a lot of comments written about you by past and present viewers. The people you have on looks like you have been scraping the bottom of the barrel. Some of your presenters should Not give out their own political views as they should be natural. It is Not an independent broadcasting company Now. How about showing some of the British people marching?? The British people are angry concerning those invaders coming over here taking the money, homes etc from us. This is why the country is in a mess. None of the government parties care what the people want!! I have asked a few mps about adding on voting papers to add a Box with No Faith in Any Political party. I wish I could leave my home. I feel for the freedom of our children and their children. We have been taken over by the tran/gay etc groups invading our school brain washing young children. We get large groups of foreign people demonstrating in our country demanding to change our law's. This country is Dead we are Not allowed to Speak how we feel.
You have scrupulous lawyers and do gooders trying and succeeding in keeping rapists, murders etc to stay here.