While Black Mirror is known to provide a dark surrealist approach to cinema and I have been an excited fan since the start of the concept, the sixth season defies all cinematic limits on graphicness and disturbing activity and imagery and becomes a psychological and graphic thriller with zero warning to the watcher. To some psychological thrillers are a loved form of entertainment, but creating a succession season to a show so widespread that has not proven to be of that particular genre in terms of graphicness, with no warning should be illegal and penalised. As someone who respected the show, I sat to see the whole season at once always hoping that the next episode would provide comic relief, yet I found myself regretting every minute spend consuming the ideas of the dark world that the sixth season presents. More so, there was a switch in philosophical questions that were displayed, much less targeted to a critical of society and more to the extents of human evilness. This lack of pertinence to character of the show to me is deserving of a lawsuit and I do not recommend to anyone who does not care to see a set of meaningless and hurtful pictures.