All in all, I would say that this movie served as a fitting entrance into the saga.
The premise itself was original and captivating due to the realistic approach it gave. The cinematography helped to reinforce this approach while also being fantastic by itself. As for the characters, I found each one to be unique and believable to where I was no only engrossed in their world, but I was physically caring about what they did.
Some have argued that this generation cannot consume this kind of content due to it’s pacing. To that I say… I’m 16. Art speaks to some, and others walk right by it. This movie hasn’t expired, merely faded.
With my praise towards the plot too comes my grievances with the climax and resolution. Firstly, I felt like the movie was just starting to find its pace around the climax, which I had mistaken for a rising action beat, so it was disappointing to see that the movie amounted to an ultimately uninvolved peak. The twist at the end, I felt, suited the movie, and wasn’t too predictable. However, it could have used some subtle hints throughout the movie so that they all came together in the end, similar to Sixth Sense. Rather, what we got was a freeze frame and text, the ultimate cop-out.
Nonetheless, the movie is certainly one to watch for its premise and an excellent introduction to the saga.