Fantastic book.
It would be incredible to try to visualise a World, where American Prohibition never occurred!
Therefore no need for all those 1000s of Prohibition Government workers having such a job in the first place! And looking at being unemployed once Prohibition repealed!
As I lent my copy of this great, enlightening book to a friend, I can't recall the name of the Fuckin' Prick whom came up with the idea of making Marijuana illegal, primarily to keep himself in a job!!
What an Arsehole piece of narcissistic Shithead!
Especially as he picked on the most disenfranchised, scapegoated and tormented members of America- for over 350 years - African Americans!
Without a ounce of humanity, this Cunt advocated making Marijuana illegal, just to keep himself in his privileged position, to hell with the consequences that have snowballed, causing horrendous outcomes for millions over the last 100 years!!!
I'm so glad Johan Hari has brought this to the light,
Thanks Johan,
Fondest respect,
John Pearson,
Aotearoa/New Zealand.