So PLEASED to have discovered you on Utube !!
We love how kind, considerate and genuine you are with those you work with.
My husband has brain damage and can no longer tolerate t.v., but will watch 3 episodes back to back if it is your show !
My nephew and his wife are currently restoring a 200 y/o home named "Silent Creek Farm" in Denmark. The farm, which is absolutely breathtaking, is listed as a level 4 Historic property, situated on 8 hectars with a fabulous creek running through it .
There has been evidence of Vikings found throughout the property.
Cannon balls have been found, indicating a battle of some sort took place there.
Would this property and scenerio intrest you ?
My nephew, Brad Wilde and his wife recently prchased this property and have just spent $60,000 to replace the thatched roof. His brother, is currently staying there for the next 3 months helping to renovate the interior.
George, if this is a property you would like to visit or include on your program, simply reply to my email. If not, no worries . I just wouldn't want you to miss out on it just because you didn't know it existed.