I didn't enjoy this whatsoever, the characters were underdeveloped, boring and had the maturity of a fourteen year old. Which is strange since they're grad students and (mostly) in their twenties. Olive had no personality at all and Adam's only trait was 'mean to everybody but her'. The fake dating made no sense either, sure they had their reasons but Olive's actions made me believe she was bipolar because how did she go from kissing a random person in the dark to stammering and looking down at her feet every time she talked and then to telling Adam to "fuck off" when he was doing his job?? I really don't understand. Anh's entire personality was being a feminist (which I do support but why did everything she spoke about trail back to "mediocre" white men??) and while I was happy she didn't make a big deal out of Olive lying and keeping secrets about her "relationship" she definitely under reacted. The only character I had liked was Holden who was barely shown and again, underdeveloped. Which I will admit is understandable given he's only a side character but the the rest of them were too bland and had no personalities. They acted completely off character in different scenarios and the only time we get a glimpse into Olive's "personality" is when Malcom is giving her that pep talk. Without that, how are we supposed to know her qualities when they're never shown? And how is it that Olive is a third year PhD when she can't hold a conversation and acts like a fourteen year old? And what was going on with Jeremy and Olive, that was just so rushed and made zero sense. Would not recommend.