This was the dummiest dumb movie that I’ve ever dumbed. Barely any character or story build-up, Swiss cheese plot. So many times you’re asking “but why didn’t they just (fill in the most obvious logical answer)? or “why would they (choose from a myriad of rediculous scenarios) …?” The surgery scene in the ambulance became a comedy - my husband and I will be mocking it for days - oh no! his spleen ruptured (more like exploded) in my hands! Here, use my hair clip - that fixed everything!! There are just too many more STUPID parts to mention. Oh Jake, what were you thinking? Any review above a 2-star makes me sad for humanity. Ends with cop pointing to the picture of the guy who shot him twice at close range with some kind of huge automatic rifle thing and says “he saved my life.” Holy moly. I mean, almost worth it just to see how such a huge budget movie can be so bad.