A true classic. The story is a bit weak, but the morals in this movie are ones we should all hold dear. Chris Farley is a bumbling ninja with a heart of gold who wants to protect a woman who he instantly falls for. He strives to be just like his older adopted brother and to live up to the ideals instilled in him by his semsei and ninja dojo.
I've read a few reviews where people give this movie a lot of flak for being a traditional "damsel in distress" movie and "racist", but Allison is honestly sharper than Haru (Farley's character) to the point where she's doing most of the work until she gets caught later in the movie. Also, the "racist" label is so stupid sinse Gobei is constantly protecting Haru to the point where he's getting injured. If this was such a racist movie wouldn't Chris Farley's character be the one constantly saving his Japanese adoptive brother?
If you can turn your brain off and relax for about an hour then you'll have no problem enjoying a classic Chris Farley movie that also features a young Chris Rock.