I really enjoyed watching this show with my husband. We pretended like we were the judges and would the pause the spin in order to judge which was a decoy and which was cake. It got us looking at every aspect as the show progressed.
Although each and every member was very talented in their own ways.. we both agree that MIKKO should have won season 2. Elizabeth is amazing at stitching and because that’s all she showed us for her final 3 masterpieces, she won every time. I understand that the judges are completely unaware of which is cake; however, the final episode made it seem like the judges were pushing for Elizabeth to win. The lady in white seemed like she was controlling which buttons to push by yelling and pressuring the other two to agree with her.
I would love to see who can paint the Mona Lisa that well AND call it cake at the same time. Elizabeth’s cakes were always detailed from the molds and all she had to do was fill in the blanks.. I’m not saying it’s an easy task to do.. but for people who do this as a talent and for a living, I definitely think Mikko takes the win. He made a bowl of NACHOS look so real we made some ourselves at home.