Excruciating - don’t think I’ve ever experienced such physical discomfort watching a J drama before . Sato Takeru is normally very watchable but I found his perma eye roll & cyborg like delivery tiresome . Not that he could much with the very poor plot line and beyond basic writing , totally predictable and cliche ridden . The love story element was toe curling and I found myself shuddering whenever the two leads shared a “moment” - it was as sexy and unappealing as kissing your toothless nan . Far more interesting were the sub plots and supporting cast . Nanase and her exhaustingly self sacrificing saintliness coupled with her super genki /gormless demeanor really grated on my nerves from the get go .
I know it’s a romantic comedy and perhaps I’m being too harsh - but there has to be a teeny bit of chemistry to make it credible . See Full Time Wife Escapist for a good example of this ( the two leads are now married to each other ) Without a doubt the worst drama I’ve ever had the misfortune to watch .