Absolutely loved this film. It was heartfelt, hilariously funny, lots of jokes for the adults that would just go over kids heads. It’s very of its time and has lots of current affairs and pop culture references but this just means when you watch it in years to come, it will nostalgically take you back to a point in time. I had a quick read through the reviews afterwards as I suspected a lot of people might be offended. I was right. The people that are offended are the sort that call other people “snowflakes” whilst getting upset about a Xmas movie, think women’s bodies are the property of men, vote for Donald trump or Nigel Farage, deny climate change, who want to kill all vegans and burn drag queens at the stake…. I’m GLAD they hated it and I loved it. It shows how little I have in common with these cretins. Merry Christmas you filthy animals 😂