The movie was someone good at first. I liked how they gave the robbers an actual back story and actually gave you a reason to care about them, but like the entire booty trapped scene in the house I couldn't help but just hate the character max! I mean I understand that he thought he was going to get hurt but I just kept begging in my head for him to just STOP!!! I mean some of the traps in this movie were actually seemed to be a lot more deadly then that of the other ones! and he was just Hurting them the entire time!! And at the end they parents who just wanted their doll back ended up saying sorry to the boy when quite frankly I think that the boy should have apologized to THEM.
But besides that all I think that it has some good qualities and actually references the original movie quite a lot. And I do have to say I think that I like the ending to this one a lot better then that of the original in some ways. (not fully but in some ways.) And I love how they actually show that the 'bad guys' actually have a heart.