I wish there was a 0 stars option because I couldn’t even make it all the way through the special. It wasn’t funny at all. And he clearly hasn’t done as much research as he claims to have done.
He has a particular joke suggesting that babies in Africa being born with AIDS in mud huts to families with no access to water is some sort of normal thing. When Africa is the most resource rich place on earth & those people literally built the Architecture and castles of Europe and have some of the most beautiful structures and homes I’ve ever seen in my life… and I’m a realtor. That was super racist and simply not true.
He claims to be “woke” the entire special but doesn’t mention how people that look like him went over to Africa and literally injected millions of people with the AIDS virus disguising it as some vaccine. It was in very poor taste and he DRAGGED it on for so long. I can’t believe the crowd found it so funny.
He made soooo many jokes that were in poor taste that he was constantly trying to explain why jokes of poor taste shouldn’t be offensive.
I’ve never seen his work before this and definitely won’t be tuning in again.