An independent show that takes itself seriously, uses as many practical effects as possible, and doesn’t shoehorn in existing characters/items for flashy fan-service? Star Wars needs much more content like this. I really liked the first few episodes of Mando, but as soon as Mando S2 and Book of Boba introduced Filoni-style fan-service without making much sense, it seemed the effort for quality Disney+ shows dropped. I know kids loved seeing Bo-Katan, Luke, and other characters, but Andor has surpassed every Star Wars show at this point just for the amount of suspense, attention to world-building, commenting on relevant issues, and so much more. I know younger audiences with smaller attention spans might find it boring, but like the Original Trilogy, this show will age spectacularly. When writers use the same 20 characters in Star Wars, it makes the galaxy feel so tiny. The fact that Andor and Mon Mothma are the only returning characters we know so far is amazing. I don’t think people understand how threatening that makes the Empire again, which is how it should be.