I feel like I need to get a few this of my chest. This has got to be the most frustrating fifa title I have ever played. I play on highest difficulty possible I have just won the europa league with ease and started a new season but now I find that the game is virtually unplayable and not much fun anymore. Four games in 2 wins by considerable margin 2 draws against best two teams in the league then I play Fulham. I had plays falling over the ball defenders who run on the spot for a second then decide to try and get the ball when it's already hit the net. Players with high pace stats who run like there constipated can't turn and run with the ball past lesser plays with lower stats. Every time I try to make a forward pass it hits the first man. Also its transfer listing players who haven't put in a transfer request and also some players who play every week are asking for a transfer cause they are not playing even if you have just rested them or one game International break and pre season. This is definitely my last fifa title