The movie gets progressively worse. The writing is all over the place and definitely doesn't do the book justice. Every character and every plot line is compromised. Chris' character is substantially reduced in the movie; therefore defeating the whole purpose of him being a foil to Hailey. Kenya and Maya also dont get the screentime they deserved but the worst treatment is given to Devante who isn't mentioned anywhere after the first 5 minutes. The principal message of the movie: "The Hate You Give Little Infants F*cks Everybody" is not adequately presented. In the book, it was an eye-opening moment when Starr talks about it to her father but in the movie, it fell flat. They added in an extra explanation for the statement in the end through Sekani by saying that its not the hate "you" give but the hate "we" give; we as in black people which is just off-putting and propagates the message that black people need to be more timid in front of others to avoid oppression.
I am heavily disappointed by the movie and I wont suggest watching it. Just read the book. It is 1000 times better.