Oh God, I'm tired. What a disaster. Everything about this movie (besides the hard work and art of the animators) was awful. Warner Brothers should be ashamed of themselves. This movie had it all; bad acting (even Cheadle was phoning it in), overdone story, listless attempts at character development, nonsense plot, uninspired writing, dispicable abuse of studio properties, and well, the list goes on and on.
Honestly, the most atrocious thing was the attempt at some kind of "fan-service". This variety of it was already tired in Ready Player One.
This movie is for you if you:
1. Want to get irrationally angry at a major studio for their shameless attempts at pandering.
2. Enjoy seeing every g.d. property they have, no matter how glaringly out of place, thrown into a single movie.
3. Want to watch a film whose sole purpose is to make money off of unsuspecting viewers.
4. Like it when a movie's story tries so damn hard to contradict itself every 5 minutes.
5. Are tantalized by the prospect of being excited about seeing a revival of a beloved film, only to find out that you will receive a flaming digitized turd.
Awesome-O was a better writer than this team. At least I laughed at his suggestions.
I realize that this is a movie geared towards kids and adults nostalgic for the first movie. But come on! They could have tried. Just a little bit. The only good that can come from this is if the guys from Rifftrax decide to include this in their catalog. Even then, I'd have a hard time getting through it again.