Having been a vivid supporter of CNN for many years that ALL changed today!
Your lady presenter early this morning actually lied & said that the policeman charged for the murder of Mr Floyd had his hands in his pockets while keeping Mr Floyd on the ground.... She went on about this for at least 2 minutes however if she had opened her eyes & looked properly she would of seen that the policeman was wearing black gloves which were clear to see & his hands were on his leg unless you are looking to sensationalise the story??
WRT your reporters, I believe that CNN should use the same procedure that they do with their international war correspondents in these riot situations. Why are these reporters not wearing Helmets, gas masks & clothing that identifies that they are press... Only someone who has not been trained correctly will go & stand in the middle of a riot situation without any PROTECTION or OBVIOUS identification & then complain if they are arrested or injured!
As I said initially I have always supported CNN however in this particular case your reporting has been so "one sided" & some of your presenters clueless in their reporting!