I think the game has enormous potential but its control system, especially bikes is broken and I can't deal with it anymore... First of all the bumping from other AI or real ppl is stupid and beyond frustrating. For the first time you find yourself in 1st in a Mass Race and just before the 2nd to last gate your bumped unintentionally by 2nd place chucking you around the gate ARGHHHH!! REALLY? THATS FUN?!?! Ever hear of transparent?? Oh your going for realism, well. For example, if you clip a fence or hit a barrier, the game tends to stand you up on said fence forcing you to lose more time by rewinding. And the barrier is right in your face too. Or you'll be facing the wrong direction than your going and not fast way to turn the bike (not realistic at all) to the direction you were going. I'm sorry but if I wreck i know which way to get up and go. The game doesn't allow that. Lottery system, BROKEN!! For a racing game it penalizes for ridiculous easy fixes they choose not to fix...