I’m a marvel fan - massively.
But not of this movie.
Disjointed - bad story line - if a story line at all.
Acting was deplorable!! Except for the valet - he was good - just a shame he wasn’t the lead!!!!
A lot of new characters- yes - but you can’t introduce them all as well as their back story’s in the one movie. And the characters were all pretty lame anyway.
I will watch anything marvel but happy to say I’ll never watch this again or any of its spin-off’s.
I’ve never walked out on a movie but I did on this one.
I can’t actually believe this movie made it to the cinemas.
I’m not sure who this was targeted at. I would say 12 year olds but then there was a sex scene so unfortunately I think it was a serious attempt??
Anyway I guess from reading other reviews everything is subjective.
But I thought this was a shockingly bad movie on all levels - story line, acting, directing and plot.
And don’t worry I wasn’t expecting any Oscar winning acting. The acting in marvel movies is never great but this was terrible for any movie.