Wow I just watched this. It’s one thing that someone did not want to be involved because a boyfriend which I find stupid. But to say Zimmer was innocent when he made a call and the police said do not pursue. Are black men and boys allowed to protect themselves from someone following them? Trayvon did not see a badge he was on the phone with his girlfriend walking home all Zimmer had to do was mind his business. Zimmer had to defend himself with a gun cause he was getting his behind whipped from a kid that was being pursued for being BLACK. Ask Zimmer how many other kids that didn’t look like Trayvon Martin he has followed. Zimmer is a male version of KAREN only with a gun. Did it have anything to do with race? I believe so. I don’t agree with with the way things were handled with the defense and Ms Eugene should of just come forward. Zimmer is a killer of an innocent teen …Again police dispatcher said do not pursue. If he would of listened Trayvon Martin would be here today. Zimmer is not a man he is a weak POS like the author of this investigation. This had nothing to do with being democrat but protection from the ongoing violence against being BLACK in America which has always been a battle….PS you exposed to truth for false witnesses not the ongoing truth of Black Death in America in the hands of those that are to protect and serve and then there are Karens and Zimmers that act like Karen. The biggest thugs and threats on America soil…kidnapped and sold as slaves tortured hung killed and we are still being BLAMED