Absolutely banger of a movie, it's a shame it's been review bombed with 1 stars by homophobes and people who feel the need to shield their rays of sunshine from anything that isn't puking rainbows and candy. It touches upon real themes that people and children/teens go through, it's touching and dealt with well. I would've absolutely watched this movie on repeat as a kid! The visuals and story are beautifully done, so glad Annapurna and Netflix saved this! Here's hoping Netflix greenlight a sequel. Also, to the hypocrites and single braincells complaining; are movies only allowed to exist when it aligns with your bigoted religions & hate speech? Also, it's not even real anti anything, the message of the movie is literally just 'think about both sides', 'don't blindly hate' and 'think for yourself not the establishment that's blindly followed by others' kinda thing. In other words, people who get mad about this film are helllla dumb. To them, it's cool when a piece of media is pushing religious propaganda and hatred for The Other down your throats, but GOD forbid it tries to get a person to think for themselves and be inclusive 🤷