The one and only star for Minhi. She should've won the finale in season three.
The judging makes no sense. Not sure how John Moran continued to win round after round, plus the finale. I don't care what kind of supposed "heavy hitter" he was when starting the show. All his pieces - the rabbit, the bird and nest, the bark baby were all VERY hard to look at. And he showed the same skill level over and over again.
Minhi on the other hand - serious talent. She did some amazing things with that glass AND her skill progressed over the course of the season, which means there's even more artistry within her to draw upon and cultivate. Did she even win one round?
Plus other artists were voted off far earlier than they should have been, while others lasted far too long. (There's no way the other John should have been in the top 3; eventhough it was nice to finally see him win a round when he did.)
I don't know what was up with the judges, the woman with the short hair particularly. Seems she just wanted John to win and Minhi to lose. And there was clearly a lot of editing and scripting, which was hard to watch at times.
I'm genuinely fascinated by the art of glass blowing and watching artists create, but I watched season 3 and will never watch the other seasons. The unfairness and biased critiques of the judges totally ruin it.