It is simply brilliant. Having worked in the public service I cannot believe how accurate and ‘spot-on’ is this representation of the frustrations and mindless HR issues that public servants have to negotiate every day at work. The hours wasted doing nonsense training exercises on-line (eg WHS, Fire evacuation; Domestic Violence assessment/response); Health and Wellness; Stop Smoking Campaigns; Mental Health Awareness; Discrimination; Code of Conduct; Inclusion and Diversity; PPR; Salary Sacrificing; Enhancing Superannuation etc etc while core business is put on hold. We would regularly be required to down tools and leave our desks (no matter how urgent our work) to attend Naidoc Week or Mabo Day celebrations for example, despite having no direct connection to A and TSI affairs. Add to that the inevitable breakdown of computer software, and the inevitable ‘upgrade’ of computers despite those being replaced having absolutely nothing wrong with them.. Grrrrrr.
The productivity level within the public service is appalling, made far worse now by the WFH revolution. I have a near- neighbour who tells us he is working from home. He sits outside in the sun all day drinking coffee and reading or playing on his phone. I understand he earns around $170,000 per year.
There is no accountability any more. Tax-payers should be very alarmed. The average public servant these days does not even get it that they are milking the public purse. They genuinely believe they have an entitlement.
Rob Sitch is so clever to capture these issues in the NBA Sadly some viewers see it as a satire without realizing it is the reality.