I normally do not write reviews; but I had to make an exception. This film was bad; yet I watched it to the end. Why? It was wholesome and my soul craved for wholesome; but why, for the love of God, do we have to suffer through films like this to get our wholesome itch scratched. First, all the preaching. It was over the top christian and small townish and southern. I am all of the above and it was too much for me. It was overbearing sweet. Even that was not what made me scream. It was the portrails of the weak men and the too, too much feminism narrative. Oh my goodness. The men had to constantly kiss the women's butts and humble themselves before them like they were royalty and the men were their subjects. I am all for girl power, but that was ridiculous. The power dynamic between the men and women was crazy out of balance (overcorrection ya'll). Why was the husband who was trying his darndest all through the series to make a mends treated like a super villian, not even allowed to see his own children?!?! What kind of message are you sending? The African American cook was a good guy and I liked the character; but it was too much. It was too much sugar on that donut. It was nausiating. Black men are not that sweet in real life even the nice ones. STOP. It's gross. You can portray a nice, god-fearing man without him being a simp. Oh Goodness, this series. I love a good romance just as much as the next girl; but a little bit more realism would have made this far more enjoyable.