I love Sea of Thieves but I had always wanted a non pvp option so I could enjoy the game without getting randomly attacked. When I heard that an update for non pvp was actually coming out, I was ecstatic. I got all pumped up just to be thouroughly disappointed. All of the fun aspects of the game, like having your own boat to customize, achieving milestones for you ship, running emissary flags, and a bunch of awesome quests are not even available. And on top of that, the amount of loot you get is cut down to a 3rd of the usual value. I would be perfectly fine with the value cut if all the other fun aspects of the game existed in non pvp, because that would actually make sense. But if they're going to completely neuter non pvp mode, then what's the point of such a drastic cut in value? Basically, there is no progress made and no incentive to even select non pvp. What a waste of my anticipation for this update.