I first started watching the show about 2017 and quickly declared it to be the best bit of telly in the world. The wit, sarcasm, and putdowns were brilliant and mostly precise.
Then came COVID, I learnt more about it by watching the show rather than the gibberish the Government was dishing out.
When it relaunched I watched as normal, I fully understand the show having no audience I also agree on what had to be done, but I have never liked canned laughter. In fact I hate it. I tried to bite the bullet and persevere when watching but my will to give up on life was winning. So me and the show separated for a while.
COVID isn't as bad as it was. It hasn't gone away, I have family members that can testify to that. But I have attended football stadiums and been to music venues.
I recently had a brainwave to put the show on again and to my horror the canned laughter was still there. I know I am a nobody but I think the canned laughter is killing the show, it's like watching one of those audience TV cooking shows where the cook gets a round of applause for chopping a carrot in half.
Just hoping they soon let it become a live audience show again.