I feel it was discriminating against many Indians. It was centered only around north Indians and north india is not entire India. We have south India, central india, northeast india, west India and so on. So there are many parts and this only focuses on one or two cities and only north Indians out of these cities. So they should change this to north india matchmaking, not india, please. It also shows few good things about how some parents are very open and nice and some are literally wanting a girl to be a future maid after the marriage. We have Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, and not just Hindus. So every time this matchmaker says we have this tradition. Wrong. It's your tradition dont say this for everyone. Even culture change according to the state. We are diverse and there are many traditions associated with many cultures and religions. Also, this series focuses on extremely rich people in India and they are like literally in a small percentage. A large portion of Indian arranged marriages are more awful and are burden especially on the girls. This series is missing reality and so superficial. Please dont name this as Indian matchmaking. I feel this is not a series, its an advertisement of her matchmaking brand. Disgusting 🥵